Mercian Blog

Tag: Mercian

Tim’s Strada

A picture of my Strada Special in front of the Thames Barges at Maldon quay, taken yesterday at our Friday forty miler midway stop.   Thank you Tim for the photo and email.

Australia calling

Mark sent us a picture of his Strada overlooking the hills in Sydney Australia. At the time the photos  was taken it was Autumn. ( not too hot we think ) Thank you Andy for the photo

Peter enjoying his Mercian in Tasmania

My bike arrived about a week ago now and I wanted to write to say thanks. It really is a beautiful thing, even more so than I expected. I’ve taken it for a few short test rides so far and have never had so much fun on a bike in my life. It’s light and…

David enjoying the sun

David and his friends sent us a few pictures from U.S.A the other day for you to enjoy. Thank you David for the photos

Michaels Mercian

Michael has been busy building his Mercian Strada bike and has sent us the following pictures As you can see this is a loverly looking bike. thank you Michael for the images

Lance Mercian Vincitore

Lance sent in these pictures for you to have a look at from Yakima Washington of his Mercian Vincitore with Campagnolo equipment.    

Justins Mercian

Justin sent these pictures for the blog. he is on instagram here My IG handle is @mr.babaaganoush. We do not know where in the world he is but it certainly looks warm.

Kens Mercian story

Almost fifty years ago I bought a Mercian from Action Sports in Beaverton, Oregon USA. Almost nothing I’ve ever bought has lasted as long or brought me as much pleasure. I have no idea how many thousands of miles I’ve ridden it, but probably the longest lasting benefit was riding in north to south across…

Pete’s Mercian collection

Please find attached photos of my Mercian ‘stable’.  There is another one but it resides at my mates house in North Wales.  The white one you refurbished for me in April has received many admiring comments.  Let’s hope it may generate some business for guys. All the best Pete

Joe’s Bike

Hi Mercian, With all the distractions this year it occured to me that I never sent you a photo of my Mercian since I built it up so I took a couple of snaps this morning, Parts-wise, it’s got 105 R7000 all over except for the brakes which are TRP, I built the wheels myself…

Ian’s frame renovation

I thought you might like to see how I built up my recently refurbished 531c frame. I’ve not been out on it yet though as it’s snowing here 🤨 Can’t wait until it melts The flamboyant Ruby paint looks absolutely amazing in the sunlight and lug lining is really lovely and fine. There are a…

