Mike and his epic trip

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Recently I took my KOM in travel configuration to Colorado.
 I had a great ride to Fort Collins and back to the airport on either end of a business trip.

Here's a map of my route minus all the inevitable getting lost:


On the ride up to Ft Collins, I took a route in the high plains with great views of the Rock Mts front range.  On the way back, on the advice of an LBS in Fort Collins, I took a more easterly route (Cty Rt 17 mainly). Both ways I had thunderstorms and hail in the afternoon, and on the return trip about 40 miles on dirt/gravel turned into muddy roads.  Glad to have brought the rear fender at least.  Overall something of an adventure, but just what the experienced Coloradan cyclists were telling me to expect!
Your bicycle handled it all with aplomb, even the incredible amount of sandy grit.
Attached are some photos.  We are up to about 7500 miles, Gates belt drive and Shimano gearhub holding up fine so far.  The frame and finish holding up wonderfully well considering the abuse it gets on a regular basis.

Thanks again,