Johns King of Mercia

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To all at Mercian,

Just a quick e-mail to say how pleased I am with my KoM frame which I collected a few weeks ago.
I have now built her up and I hope you agree that she looks lovely – see attached pics.
The paint finish is stunning (flamboyant ruby red), particularly in the sun where it takes on a really deep hue.

The handling on the road is great. I ordered the race geometry frame to remind me of the bikes I used to ride many moons ago (although I mostly intend to use the bike as a “coffee shop cruiser” around the local lanes).
Running the bars a couple of cm's below the saddle gives me a very comfortable ride, but still very responsive. The brooks saddle will take a bit of breaking in though.

I live a long way from you in the South East, so I have never come across a Mercian before in the Surrey Hills and Sussex lanes. This means that the bike generates a lot of interest at the cake stops, standing out a mile from the matt black carbon crowd. Although currently kitted out with a modest gear train, the quality of the frame shines through and she attracts a lot of lingering glances.

Once again, thanks to everybody involved in building her.

Best Regards