Simon’s Claud Butler Renovation

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My thanks for the beautiful refurbishment of my beloved Claud Butler Majestic.  I have to say I think you guys have surpassed even your own previous effort on this frame.  The Deep Flam Blue is even deeper and more vibrant than I remembered from last time around.  It looks deep enough to dive into!  I have spent the last week or so putting on all of the parts I have been gradually accumulating whilst Claud was with you.  Everything has gone remarkably smoothly and I can now present you with a couple of photos which I hope show off the paint job well, although I only have a cheap camera and poor lighting.  I know he's not a Mercian through and through but hopefully he'll qualify for a place in a 'jobs we've done album' somewhere.  Now all I have to do is pluck up the courage to take him past the end of my street!