Stu’s trio of bikes

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Stu Baird, Pennsylvania, USA1986 Strada Speciale with mix of Superbe, DuraAce and Record components.Because of its gearing I reserve this bike for flatter river trails and southern New Jersey. Consequently it still looks brand new.(image IMG_2704, green tube with shift levers)Stu Baird, Pennsylvania, USA1984 King of Mercia Tour with Record components except lower gears for Pennsylvania hills.Shown on the Falls Bridge in Philadelphia, it is my favorite bike, now with over 52,000 miles and still drawing compliments.(image 0511ST0037, bike on bridge)Stu Baird, Pennsylvania, USA2001 Vincitore with Chorus, Centaur triple, White Industries hubs, even a Nitto lugged stem: a bike which celebrates lugs. Alas, no lugs in this photo, but that's a Nitto bottle cage. My three Mercian frames were built up by Alan's Bicycles of Phoenixville, PA, though this one had to wait four years until I made room for it.(image IMG_2708, ruby tube with water bottle)