Paul and Shirl’s Tour pictures

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It's been a while now since I picked up my KOM and I should drop you a line to say a big thank you to you and all the gang. My wife Shirl and I just spent one of the happiest weeks of our lives touring Arran, Kintyre and Islay (Shirl also on her Mercian Audax). The KOM rides like a magic carpet (even on Islays "ploughed" roads!)

I've attached a couple of photos that you might like to stick on the website. You might remember I had my doubts about the colour scheme but from the minute I picked it up I've loved it.

One of the pics was taken outside the Laphroaig distillery. It's a great place to arrive on a bike, especially when it's cool and wet as the whisky warms you through nicely.

Thanks again.
Hope to call in to the shop soon