Colin.s King ( Mouse )

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This is 'Mouse', my King of Mercia touring bike bought at the tail end of 2008. I took this just yesterday on a quick but tiring ride in the hills around Lancaster, you can see Morecambe Bay and the Lake District in the background. I've kitted the bike out to be as traditional as possible, but not to the extent of having gears too high for my aging legs to get up hills! Lots of leather, Giles Berthoud mudguards and a Carradice bag but the Shimano kit that the guys at the shop recommended. It's nearly 30 years since I bought my first Mercian as a young London commuter, and I never thought that bike (the original Mouse) could be replaced. I love my Mercian more than anything else I own and I have a feeling we'll be growing old together!
