Jeff and Dave on a flyer

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Well Jeff the shop ergoman on front of the tandem and Dave are flying at the moment and below is a snippet from a couple of the emails he has sent me.

A few stat's Three national veterans records broken this year, all three are records which we held in 2009, age 62/63, THE TWO COMPETITORS AGES ARE ADDED TOGETHER & DIVIDED BY TWO. with all three records we have gone faster this year'

starting with the ten: APRIL 10TH. on a course near Hull, 19MIN-58SECS, last year 20MIN-55SECS. the 25' MAY 8th. 51MIN-00SECS last year, 53min-01sec, broken in our own clubs promotion SOUTH PENNINE ROAD CLUB, here in Derby.
and the 50' May29th. 1hr-45min-50secs. last year, 1hr-47min-35secs. 2007, 1hr-47mins-23secs. when an older pair beat a younger pairs record time ,then that record is removed, and can only be re established by beating the time set by the older pair! on each occasion this year we have wiped out our own previous record. in the case of the fifty, two records were removed.
Saturday June 12th, we compete in the BURTON AND DISTRICT CYCLING ASSOCIATION 100 MILE TIME TRIAL, The time to beat is 4hrs-4mins- 02 secs, on paper this looks easily achievable, Three years ago we made the same attempt, everything went pear shaped, at one point we spent four Min's off the machine, Dave locked solid with CRAMP, we failed to beat the target by less than twenty seconds, Much can happen in one hundred miles, though our moral and anticipation are high!!

A few days later I received this email which says it all.

Well Dave and me were successful again! time to beat 4hr-4min-02 sec we did 3hrs- 50mins 04sec on awarm but windy day. it took lots of will power to face the headwind from Etwall to Blythe bridge the second lap! anyway we did it , wiping out 2 age records below our age. 2 pics from the event.

Congrats to Jeff and Dave on there epic win.