Steves new 853 o/s Pro-Lugless

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Hi There,
I recently took delivery of a Mercian 853o/s Pro Lugless frameset and have finally finished building it into a complete bike. I waited until I had done this before giving you guys some feedback. I rode the bike up and down Hartside near Penrith and Alston this morning for its first ride. Quite simply amazing! It was like I have had this bike for a long time. It fits perfectly, managed to soak up road buzz as it zipped along, is a nimble climber as well as providing quick but solid handling on the descent. Fantastic bike, it really is. The finish and build quality are second to none too. Well, well, well worth the wait that is for sure! I have enclosed a couple of photos for your gallery on the Mercian Blog and or website. Feel free to post a picture and the comments where you like. Thanks once again.
Thank you Steven for the email and pictures.