Vincitore Special Track bike somewhere in London

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Please find attached picture of my vincitore special track which I took last summer just after I had received it and put it together. needless to say the bike has been great, I changed to a fizik arione saddle after not really getting on with the B17 special; otherwise it is the same (despite a couple of small scratches (aargh!)). This wet weather is making me pine for a machine with mudguards though, and a rack, and a rohloff hub, and some chrome... maybe next year eh? Damn this credit crunch impeeding my bike buying powers. Might try using it on the Dunwich dynamo next year instead of my 1970's Mercian that I used last year, some of those hills from Hackney to Dunwich are surprisingly sharp though, I was told it was all flat.

Hope you enjoy the pics, best,


London, UK
Gary sure looks like a nice piece of kit Thank you for your picture.