Franks bike

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I wanted to share some pics of my Mercian Vincitore Special
that I have finally built up. This was built by Derek Land around
2003 just before Reynolds stopped making 531 tubing, and it had been
patiently waiting since that time for me to put to put all the parts
on it. The parts are a great mix of Campy Record, Nuovo Record, and
Super Record; Cinelli (1A stem and bars); Regina (chain and
freewheel), and a Brooks B17 saddle. It's the bike I've always wanted
(but never had the budget for) and will take over most of the duties
of my 1981 Motobecane Grand Jubilee. Thanks again to Derek and the
rest of Mercian for such a great frame.

Thank you Frank for the pictures sorry about the delay to post this one but better late than never . Just one point Reynolds have released a limited run of the 531 tubing recently and we have a few sets. So if anyone wants this tubing in your next frame please ask at the shop.